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Beer Cup Snake – A Plastic Recycling Option at the Cricket

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Beer Cup Snake – Almost Environmentally Friendly!

The Beer Cup Snake was an Australian tradition at numerous sporting events – where the empty Beer Cups are placed together to form a large Plastic Snake. The plastic beer cup came into being because it is apparently a lot safer to throw a lightweight plastic cup at someone instead of a fully loaded beer glass!

Anyway, the Beer Cup Snake used to occur at the Cricket every summer in Australia. That’s a lot of beer, and a lot of drunk people! I thought the biggest part of the gross domestic product was produced by the beer manufacturers in summer!

I remember the ‘politically incorrect’ days of the early 1980s where people were allowed to take their own beer inside the cricket ground – in glass bottles! How things have changed.

But the change of drinking device from glass to plastic Beer Cups presents itself another opportunity – the creation of a new beast that is the Beer Cup Snake. As one door closes, another one opens!

Here are some photos from the cricket ground in Perth, Australia, which is called the WACA (pronounced as ‘whacker’).

These photos were taken around 2006, just before the Fun Police cracked down on the construction of these mighty plastic beasts that deserve a mention in all of the top engineering manuals around the world!

Thebeercupsnake | Australia Travel Blog | Beer Cup Snake - A Plastic Recycling Option At The Cricket | Australia, Beer Cup, Beer Cup Snake, Perth, Plastic Recycling Option, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

However, when you think about it, the Beer Cup Snake is an environmentally sound Plastic Recycling Option.

Think about it.

Loads of drunk patrons collectively working to assemble a plastic monster.  That saves hours of cleaning staff time at the end of the game, and the whole Beer Cup Snake can be transported in one single piece to a Plastic Recycling Bin!

Beer Cup Snake Photos

Check out how long this Beer Cup Snake thing became!  That’s probably around 100 metres!

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Lookatthatbeercupsnakego | Australia Travel Blog | Beer Cup Snake - A Plastic Recycling Option At The Cricket | Australia, Beer Cup, Beer Cup Snake, Perth, Plastic Recycling Option, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

These days, only small Beer Cup Snakes are constructed before security starts kicking people out of the ground.

Oh well! I’ll have to settle for the Good Beer Germany Guide!

That cheers to the fine tradition of the Beer Cup Snake!

Cricket World Cup How To Play

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5 thoughts on “Beer Cup Snake – A Plastic Recycling Option at the Cricket”

  1. Avatar Of Mick Moore

    Hi Anthony,

    It’s kind of like the banning of the Mexican wave. This kind of stuff really doesn’t hurt anyone (unless someone throws a bottle into the air).

    It just helps to keep the crowd entertained. I love the picture of your beer cup snake. It’s huge; almost as big as an anaconda.
    .-= Mick Moore´s last blog ..Manly Beach – One of Sydney’s Best Beaches =-.

  2. Avatar Of Craft Beer

    Wow, that is nice. It is good to see and the objective is nice. It is important that we do recycling for our environment.

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