Yay – one of my favourite subjects – translation fails, is back on the radar again at this silly website!
Once again, it’s from my Chinglish go to man – Brett Minor, who’s been living in the Orient. Check out his blog at The Transformed Nonconformist.
He’s sent me a tonne of gold from the Orient including:
- the Don’t Forget Me clothes
- the funny urinal sign
- the Mariboro hat
- the Best Laundry Instructions Ever
- the rather badly disguised sporting goods knock off brand called abibas, and
- the Recycling Bin that might accept bodily fluid!
Today, he’s sent me a hilarious photo of a Chinese…
Beauty Salon!
Yes, but it doesn’t quite come across that way when you first read the sign… I’m sure it’s one of the Beauty Salons available all around China to pretty yourself up!
They got most of the letters right though…. only one wrong in each word!
Well, they got it right enough for most people to understand!
Hey, I’d be a lot more crap at translating English to Chinese, so I’d hate to think what kind of undecipherable garbage that I’d come up with!
I mean, if I tried to translate the words ‘Beauty Salon‘ to Chinese, I’d probably churn out something in Chinese that would translate to like ‘Bounty Salon’ or ‘Booty Salon’…
This beauty salon isn’t quite as colourful as the one I spotted in Tanzania which illustrated what exactly the business was, but this one made me laugh out loud!
If you’ve ever had your hair, nails and make up done at this place, let me know how good it was. Such as making you got the blow dry you asked for…
I might drop in for a makeover one time!