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Bad Traffic Jam Congestion – What It Looks Like In India

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One of the joys of travelling around the world is taking some of the often unique public transport around to see how people get from A to B. This might include a mini bus taxi, a chicken truck, or even a tuk tuk/auto rickshaw.

Sometimes, these contraptions are unroadworthy beasts that have to negotiate hordes of Bad Traffic in some of the congested cities and metropolises from around the world.

And there are a lot of these kind of cities if you wish to somehow fight your natural instincts of not crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing – because a lot of the time, zebra crossings are only there for decoration!

I’m a bit crazy sometimes and I have a perverse addiction to risking my life on some of these forms of transport. But it pales in comparison of a video clip I spotted which puts all of my dodgy traffic claims to shame, once and for all!

Bad Traffic  Jam Congestion - What It Looks Like In India
Traffic Jam Congestion. Yay!

Check out this Bad Traffic camera footage from India on You Tube – it’s total chaos! There are cars, trucks, auto rickshaws, pedestrians and god knows what else squirming around the place. But somehow, this traffic management system works – and probably gives evidence to support the ‘Chaos Theory’.

If you ever venture out into traffic like this, make sure you wear the brown underpants! Because there is no guarantee they won’t be brown after crossing the street!

Bad Traffic Redefined! Congestion In India!

Here it is. I felt nervous just watching this. Imagine what it’s like driving in this place. My nerves would be shattered!

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Crazy Traffic In India – But It Does Flow!

I haven’t been to India yet, but I’ve come across some shockers when it comes to Bad Traffic. I’ve written about them in a piece titled ‘The Worst Drivers in The World.’

To find out more about driver psychology, check out Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us).

See more at Weird Driving Rules, Driving Under The Influence, Bus Transport Tips, Targa Tasmania, Chicken Transport, the Female Drivers Warning Sign, The Future of Car Travel and Unusual Road Safety Signs.

If you’re planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance.

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