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Accommodation In India Recommended By Lonely Planet. Not.

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Awesome Accommodation in India Sign!

Today, I’ve got a hilarious travel photo about Accommodation In India from Mel who runs Bogan On A Bus. You can follow Mel @bruiserisabogan on Twitter and Bogan on a Bus on Facebook. And it’s about a trademark that many cafes, restaurants and hotels aspire to, which is the term ‘Recommended By Lonely Planet‘.

Now, when I first received Mel’s email, I was a bit concerned, because if you don’t know, a Bogan is an Australian slang term used a lot here which more or less means (via Wikipedia) that the term bogan is Australian and New Zealand slang, usually pejorative or self-deprecating, for an individual who is recognised to be from an unsophisticated background or someone whose limited education, speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour exemplifies a lack of manners and education.

But I did receive the reassurance from Mel that “Don’t worry, I’m not ’that’ kind of bogan, as in the Australian flag wearing creature found on the beaches of Bondi.” She’s just taking the piss!

Anyway, back to her Accommodation In India funny travel photo. Check out the sign below.  Look very, very closely at the message here!

Accommodation In India Recommended By Lonely Planet

Mel says ‘This is from Pushkar, Northern Rajasthan, India. Every single, and I really mean, EVERY  guest house and restaurant there was advertised as ‘Recommended by Lonely Planet.’ Whoever made this sign got the tagline just a little bit wrong..’

That’s right, the tagline one the sign says ‘Recommended by Lonely People!’. Just brilliant!

So if you are feeling a bit sad and sorry for yourself after travelling by yourself on the Indian train system for a few weeks, then you might feel a bit more uplifted if you make your way to the Cafe Laughing Buddha. Hey, I’ve never been there, but I had a big smile just by checking out the photo!

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Actually, I really like this form of entrepreneurship. Other examples from India include the hand drawn menu picture and their truth in advertising regarding Knockout Beer!

More Accommodation In India Information

To check out if the Cafe Laughing Buddha actually did make the Lonely Planet, you might have to find out for yourself in the Lonely Planet India travel guide!


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6 thoughts on “Accommodation In India Recommended By Lonely Planet. Not.”

  1. Avatar Of Ritu K

    I myself is a blogger at and thats wat i have faced…lot places I go and look for good recommended places by travel blogs or other sites are nit up to the mark. So can we have a whole process where I can make sure and assure myself of the place i am going to accomodate myself

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