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2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup in South Africa – Top 5 Funniest, Offbeat and Unusual Moments

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2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup Funnies!

With the 2010 Fifa Soccer World Cup drawing to an end, it’s time to have a look back at the most funniest, offbeat and unusual events that have happened over the last few weeks.

So after all the standard spectacular goals, the awesome diving by some players that could make the 2012 Olympics in London, here are my Top 5 Funniest moments at the 2010 FIFA World Cup!

1. The 2010 FIFA World Cup Opening Ceremony – The Dung Beetle

This is a WTF moment for me, but I love it as it shows the great African sense of humour.

It’s the giant dung beetle and large round ball of fake poo that appeared at the opening ceremony!  I laughed my head off when I saw this appear!

2. Germany Coach, Joachim Low, can pick his nose and eat it too!

They must not feed the German coach much – he has to eat his own snot during the games!  This footage has gone crazy all around the world.

3. Socery – South Africa’s Secret Weapon

Sorry South Africa.  It didn’t work.


4. The Ultimate Example of How Karma Works – Revenge for The Hand of Frog

Irish fans, don’t depair.  France didn’t win a single game and finished last in their group, and the players/coach had a massive fallout.  Then a ruthless press back home has given the French team a total hiding.

This must obviously be karma for the ‘Hand of Frog’ Thierry Henry did to knock Ireland out of World Cup qualifying.

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Enjoy Ireland!

5. The Vuvuzela

Love it or hate it, the Vuvuzela has been the soundtrack to the World Cup.  It will probably cause irreversible industrial deafness to any fan who dare set foot inside one of the stadiums.  I wrote a piece earlier about a Funny Vuvuzela Instruction Manual someone emailed to me!

There you go.  They’re my funniest moments of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.  How about yours?  If you’ve got some, leave a comment and if you’ve got some funny photos or footage, leave a link!

If you’re only interested in Football, then I’d suggest checking out World Cup 2010: The Indispensable Guide to Soccer and Geopolitics, All the Goals of FIFA World Cup 2006 or maybe buy a World Cup 2010 Soccer Ball.

If you’re crap at Soccer, like me, check out some Soccer Drill Software!


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2 thoughts on “2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup in South Africa – Top 5 Funniest, Offbeat and Unusual Moments”

  1. Avatar Of Adventure King
    Adventure King

    Hadn’t seen that footage of Joachim Low… gross. As for the hand of frog, what goes around comes around, France were laughable in the world cup, though Anelka having a big sulk is par for the course.

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