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Fart Juice – I’ll Drink One Please!

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It’s FART JUICE time!

No, I’m not talking releasing a large amount of intestinal gas to the point where you follow through just that little bit too much and are wearing the brown underpants!

It’s actually funny drink name time! And this one is from Poland in eastern Europe.

I’d put this one in the same category as Pschitt Lemonade, dodgy Spanish drink translations, Kick a Poo JuiceVergina Beer, and  Seamen Cool Drinks from India.

They’re the kind of drinks that make you laugh whilst they are travelling down your throat because you know you are drinking something with a silly name!

Fart Juice – Yummo!

Anyway, it’s just one of those translations conundrums. Unfortunately, ‘Fart’ is the Polish word for ‘Luck’!

It’s one of those scenarios where a word is totally innocent and non-offensive in one language, but it doesn’t quite translate very well into the other!

And with the world’s population being more mobile today, this often leads to scenario where travellers snicker at some funny labelling, and then they take a photo and share it with all of their online friends via their favouriate social media platform!

Fart Juice

I just wonder how many photos have been taken of people drinking their fart juice with a silly grin on their face?

This stuff is manufactured by the Hellena company and it looks like from their packaging, they want to make their drink product as lucky as possible! How many times can you see the word ‘fart’ in this picture? I can count eight at the moment!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Cool Drinks & Recipes For Order in India. Seamen?

Here is a screen dump from a Polish-English Tranlsator which more less seems to confirm the meaning!

Fart Translation

Hey, if drinking litres of fart juice leads to me winning millions of the dollars from the lottery, I’ll take as much of it as I can!

I wonder if it means that if you drink this stuff, it makes you a ‘lucky fart’? I hope so!

But I’m wondering if Fart Juice actually makes you fart?

If you love the stuff, let me and the rest of the world know!

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